By now most of you have heard that we'll once again participate in the NJ Wool Walk. It's coming up next week, so our schedule will be slightly altered. For example, Wool Walk hours statewide are (at a minimum) 10AM-5PM each day, and 11AM-4PM on Sunday. (Those are our hours.) The Walk takes place statewide from Wednesday, April 17th through Sunday, April 21st, so there will be no Punch Card or regularly scheduled knitting or crochet classed during those days. Purchase a Passport for $6 and join the Statewide "yarn crawl," where you visit 21 shops and enjoy their trunk shows, prize drawings and discounts! It's a really fun event-figure out your route here and head out on your road trip!
We've started the Thursday night KAL sweater-it's Knus light! Detail of when this free knitalong will meet (Zoom only) are below.
The next Fiberside Chats will be with Carson Demers on Sunday, April 21st at 1PM EST.
The next knit night will be in-store on Wednesday, May 8th from 7-9PM. No Knit Nights remain in April, and there won't be a Zoom May 1st.
ONGOING AT KNITAPESTRY: Knit Night-Zoom 1st Wednesday of each month, next 2 Wednesdays in person.
Ridgecrest donations-yes, but needles, no.
Please check out our website for the latest projects and offerings at http://www.knitapestry.com
Thursday, April 11th: Store open 10AM-4PM. Friday, April 12th: Store open 10AM-4PM. Saturday, April 13th: Store open 10AM-4PM. Sunday, April 14th: Store closed; Next Steps with Gemma 10-11AM; PCH 12:30-2:30PM.
Monday, April 15th: Store open 10AM-5PM; Crochet Workshop 10-11:30AM. Tuesday, April 16th: PCH 9-10AM; Store open 10AM-5PM; Next Steps with Gemma 6-7PM. Wednesday, April 17th: Store open 10AM-5PM; NJ WOOL WALK Thursday, April 18th: Store open 10AM-5PM; NJ WOOL WALK Friday, April 19th Store open 10AM-5PM; NJ WOOL WALK Saturday, April 20th Store open 10AM-5PM; NJ WOOL WALK Sunday, April 21st: Store open 11AM-4PM; NJ WOOL WALK; Fiberside Chats 1PM.
Monday, April 22nd: Store open 10AM-5PM; Crochet Workshop 10-11:30AM.. Tuesday, April 23rd: PCH 9-10AM; Store open 10AM-5PM; Next Steps with Gemma 6-7PM. Wednesday, April 24th: Store open 10AM-5PM. Thursday, April 25th: Store open 10AM-5PM. Friday, April 26th Store open 10AM-5PM. Saturday, April 27th Store closed. Sunday, April 28th Store closed; Next Steps with Gemma 10-11AM; PCH 12:30-2:30PM.
We look forward to seeing you!
Anna, Charmaine, Clayton, Fran, Gemma, Nancy & Noa
Nola Sweater Class with Charmaine ***IS FULL*** 4 Mondays in April from 6-7:30PM. Cost of class will be $65, and does not include the pattern. Charmaine is knitting up the adorable Nola sweater in our new puffy Puno yarn. It can be knit with a choice of sleeves (pic #1-wide sleeve & cropped body or pic # 2-reg sleeve and longer body), and with or without buttons. The class will meet April 1, 8, 15 and 29,
You'll work on interesting construction and unique intarsia. You'll need to know increases and decreases. You'll need to buy the pattern on Ravelry and can do so here. Call the store to sign up, and please email with any questions.All classes are in-person. |
Our next Thursday night selection is a spring sweater, the Knus Light by Elisabeth Judith.
Join Nancy for a Zoom knitalong of the Knus Light Sweater, Thursday nights April 11th, and May 9th and 30th from 7-8PM. "knus light is a thinner version of Sommerknus/Knus worked with fingering weight yarn.
knus light is a round yoke blouse with short sleeves. The short blouse is worked in a textured pattern from the top down with the option of working the lower body in stockinette stitch or the whole blouse in the textured pattern. Short and long sleeve options are included, and the long sleeves can also be worked in either stockinette stitch or the textured pattern."
This is a social group where there is no instruction. You must register to receive the Zoom link, and since we don't provide help, there is no charge. You'll need to buy pattern from Ravelry-we can do that for you! (We'd love it if you bought the yarn from us!) Register by emailing or calling the shop.
Learn or improve your Lace Knitting with Gemma! The current class for Building with Lace will continue on Saturday mornings from 9-10AM on 4/13 and 4/27. Come see the sample in the store-you'll be hooked!
Gemma will guide you through a sampler wrap with progressively more difficult lace stitches, and include her video tutorials. Once the wrap is broken down into simple blocks, you'll take your knitting to the next level. Don't be daunted by the project-it's like knitting a cowl every couple of weeks. You'll need to have a Ravelry account to use the pattern-we won't be able to print the book. Also, you'll need to have mastered knitting, purling, use of stitch markers and be familiar with increasing and decreasing.
Crochet Workshop with Clayton Leadbetter-Monday mornings from 10-11:30 AM. 10% discount for supplies purchased in-store for his workshop.
Clayton is offering his Crochet Workshop at Knitapestry! If you have experience with crochet, join him to learn new techniques as well as get guidance. You'll need to buy a "book" of 4 90-minute sessions for $80; since the classes don't have to be taken in consecutive weeks, you must let Clayton know you're coming. We ask that you use those prepaid sessions within six months, though. Buy your sessions through the shop. It'll be available online soon as well. And we recommend a private lesson if you're a beginner: call the shop to set one up.
New Jersey Wool Walk is approaching April 17-21st!
We'll participate once again in the statewide, annual yarn crawl! Buy a passport for $6...you are automatically entered into a statewide prize drawing, and are eligible for shop discounts in each of the 22 participating shops throughout New Jersey (and $1 of each will go to the Community Food Bank of NJ). Details can be found on the NJWW website. We will be selling the passports, as well as stitch markers and a pin to hold them all. You can preorder the pin/passport on our website here. We'll be open Monday-Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 11-4PM.
Fiberside Chats: join zoom chats with some of your fiber-y faves!
They've invited some of your favorite designers and creators to join us for a series of online gatherings with Longmont Yarn Shoppe: Fiberside Chats! Fiberside Chats will resume after the summer months.
Here's the link for more info:
The gatherings, hosted on Zoom, are one-hour sessions with special guests joining us to give a peek into their world. These designers and creators will discuss their unique path, creative processes, latest projects—or whatever is inspiring them now. There will also be a Q&A session, giveaways, and other fun surprises for those who join!
Fiberside Chats costs $20 to register. You can choose Knitapestry in the dropdown menu to assign your registration fee to us. 1) Pick your yarn store host 2) Choose how many spots you are reserving 3) Check out. Coming up:
Carson Demers-April 21st, Knitting Setting Goals for Improving our Knitting and Crochet Techniques Ann Budd-May 5th, Finishing Finesse
Next up: Carson Demers-Setting Goals for Improving our Knitting and Crochet Techniques

Here we are, ready for a springtime Fiberside Chat with Carson Demers! How have you grown as a knitter since the beginning of this year? Do you have a plan for growth and knitting sustainability for years to come? One thing Carson Demers is fairly sure of, is that none of us is resolved to stop knitting. Let’s chat about setting achievable goals for growth toward improving our technique, and personal sustainability. Join Carson to set yourself up for a comfortable lifetime of knitting!
This is a live Zoom Event on Sunday, April 21st at 1:00pm Eastern, 12:00pm Central, 11:00am Mountain, 10:00am Pacific.
Your ZOOM Link will be sent the evening before and about 1 hour before the event. Check your spam filter if you do not see it.
Beginning Knitting with Anna-Thursdays, after the store closes at 4PM; sign up for 8 sessions for $130. **note-Anna will not be teaching until the middle of May**
Anna will host beginning knitting classes weekly. You'll learn the skills so you can call yourself a knitter! The package includes 8 hours of instruction. Classes do not have to be in sequential weeks and you can opt to take two hours in a row if you're rocking! (She will also make herself available on the same basis for her "My First Sweater" class. Supplies purchased in-store get a 10% discount.
Preregistration required-YOU MUST CALL BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO MAKE SURE THERE'S ROOM IN THE ONGOING CLASS. Please don't just stop in : )
Next Steps Knitting with Gemma Sogabe Tuesday evenings, 6-7 PM; Sundays at 10-11AM. $65 per 4-class session.
Preregistration required; 10% discount on supplies purchased for class.
Gemma is once again offering her class, perfect for new knitters who want to build on their beginning skills. You don't have to attend sequential weeks, but this isn't a drop-in-you must let Gemma know you're coming in advance.
Knit Night -the first three Wednesday evenings of each month, 7-9PM.
This free get-together is hosted on Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month, and in-person at the store on the second and third Wednesdays of each month. No food or drink, and proof of vaccination required. Zoom codes will be posted in the newsletter as well as on social media.
Punch Card Hour is now on GroupSpot!
Charmaine is ready to help you tackle whatever is holding up your project----a dropped stitch? can't remember where you are? or maybe even deciphering the pattern. PUNCH CARD is the place to figure it out so you can keep knitting.
You can join Charmaine's PCH Group on GroupSpot by clicking this link.
Sessions occur when the store is closed and follow the COVID policies of the store. You can purchase a 5 or 10 punch card (get your 11th punch free) or simply drop in for $10. No RSVP needed. Feel free to contact Charmaine directly here, with any further questions.
Knit the Rainbow is a charity dedicated to helping at-risk LGBTQ youth. We'll be a drop-off location for garments for this group. (And no, items don't have to be rainbow-colored!)
"Knit the Rainbow (KtR) was founded in April, 2020 after the Founder, Austin Rivers, discovered the housing disparities facing LGBTQ+ youth in New York City. Austin learned there were a few nonprofits dedicated to providing housing and/or shelter for this community; however, he knew there was still more to be done; this is where KtR was born.
Austin learned to knit while performing on a tour in Japan and felt he could use these skills to provide warm protective winter garments for LGBTQ+ youth facing homelessness. KtR hopes to educate people across the country about the housing crisis these youth are facing and increase the number of youth served by asking volunteers to knit or crochet at home and donate the garments to KtR to be distributed in New York City and Chicago.
KtR has big plans for the future. We hope to not only these cities, but to eventually provide winter protective garments to homeless LGBTQ+ youth across the country. In addition, we plan to partner with other nonprofits who provide shelter and housing to these youth and offer knit/crochet classes for their residents so they too can knit garments for themselves and the rest of the community facing this housing crisis."
Yarn Donations for Ridgecrest Senior Housing: Help local residents make hats and clothing for a variety of charities. These knitters are motivated and prolific...we're happy to play our small part! We'll take your CLEAN yarn and bring it to the senior center, where residents will work on their projects. Your destash is ultimately comfort for a person in need, and there's the added piece where these knitters connect and are engaged not only with each other, but with the community. Please: no needle donations.